Query Builder

To build Scan or Query expressions, you can use the Query Builder.

Query builder

Write expression in the Query Builder and press to execute it. If query synchronization is enabled, the expression will be applied to the query in the editor.

To write query, use the following syntax:

    condition-expression ::= attribute comparator value
        | attribute BETWEEN value AND value
        | attribute IN (value, value...)
        | function
        | condition AND condition
        | condition OR condition
        | NOT condition
        | ( condition )
    comparator ::= = | <> | < | <= | > | >=
    function ::= attribute_exists (attribute)
        | attribute_not_exists (attribute)
        | attribute_type (attribute, type)
        | begins_with (attribute, substr)
        | contains (attribute, value)
        | size (attribute)
    value ::= 123 | 'string' | false | true
    attribute ::= map.list[0] | "map"."list"[0]
    type ::= N | S | BOOL | NULL | B | L | M | NS | BS | SS
    substr ::= 'string'

To force using Scan operation, use the following syntax:

    scan-expression ::= scan condition-expression

To force using Query operation, use the following syntax:

    query-expression ::= query table-or-index [asc|desc] condition-expression

If no operation is specified, the most efficient possible operation and index will be determined automatically.